Primorye presented its investment opportunities to China.

Primorye presented its investment opportunities to China.

A large delegation of the Primorsky Territory, led by the head of the region, Andrei Tarasenko, works in China. In Harbin is the Russian-Chinese Expo - one of the most important areas of cooperation between Russia and China. The focus of the Chinese media was the proposals, which were voiced in China by Andrei Tarasenko.

Harbin is the official site created by the Chinese government to establish strong relations in the sphere of cross-border cooperation between the two countries. For several years, the exhibition here helps to establish a dialogue between partners in the context of special economic mechanisms that operate in the territory of Primorye. The head of the region after the inspection of the stand of Primorye at the exhibition enters into a dialogue with those who from the first person of the region want to hear guarantees of success in interaction.

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