60 future doctors and teachers found a job on the Career Day in Primorye

60 future doctors and teachers found a job on the Career Day in Primorye

60 future doctors and teachers found a job on the Career Day in Primorye.

The largest companies of the Far East held a job fair for the university students. Young people were able to pass an interview on the spot and personally give a resume.

In total about 50 employers took part in the event. They offered students job and practice. Among of them there are Primorye administration, commercial port, arbitration court, factories, energy companies and medical institutions. A lot of students want to find a job in the Primorye hospitals.

More than 40 future doctors were employed.

In addition, here students learn how to write a resume to find a good job, play business games, stage a real interview.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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