In the Roshchino settlement Udeghes national culture classes becomes popular among local people.  Udeghes are considered to be Primorye indigenous nation. Members of the family community "Honi Bua" making lessons this lessons, all of them are relatives, but they are joined not only by family ties, but also by active social activities for the preservation of the traditions these people.

Elena Ilicheva, a member of the Udege community: "We are making costumes and amulets from fish bones."

Eugene Ilicheva after the wedding took surname of her husband. He is Russian. She is the representative of a large family Kyalunzyaga. Their family organized a school of Udehe people traditions in Roshchino village. Their family community named "Bua Honi" (in Udege language it means wild taiga). On each session everybody can learn something new. For example, Andrew Kyalunzyaga can make national Udeghes shoes uly. These shoes specially adapted for walking in deep snow and river ice.

Kyalunzyaga Andrew, a member of the Udege community: "We had a grandmother ... She tought me in two or three days."

After the adoption of a special law about the Primorye regional indigenous people, they can count on the fact that their work will be supported by funds from the regional budget. Social activity of their family is already famous among locals and tourists who come to the park "Udege legend." Eugene is an employee of the National Park. She is organizing a class specifically for countrymen.
Udege who are living in Roshchino, actively involved to the work of Association of Indigenous People of the Primorye Region. Now more often they exhibit objects of culture and life their nation at major events, actively promoting Udege culture.
In modern life Udege are very to save difficult their national features, so use all the opportunities in the remaining their old traditions of farming, hunting and fishing. Alexei Kanchugi write books in two languages - Russian and Udege and publish it  in philological Hokkaido University.
Now, the whole Primorye Udege community is preparing for the international tourist exhibition, which will take place in May in Vladivostok.

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