Education in Primorye. Growth points. Development of Primorye’s education in 2013-2020

Education in Primorye. Growth points. Development of Primorye’s education in 2013-2020

Interview with the substitute of the head of the education and science department of Primorsky Krai Tatiana Khmel.

Question: How does an average teacher in Primorye look like? How old is he?

T.K: Nowadays about 23 thousand teachers work in different establishment in Primorsky region. The average age of a teacher is 47 years old, and there are more female teachers than male.


Question: How can one become a teacher?

T.K: It is possible to study in FEFU, Spasskii college, Ussuriisk college.


Question: Are there any privileges for teachers?

T.K: Yes, there are specials programs for young specialists. For example, we help them with accommodation.


Question: Do you lack teachers?

T.K: Unfortunately, we do. We need more teachers for primary schools.


T.K: We try to equip schools with all modern necessities such as computers, tablets, electronic blackboards etc.

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