Vladimir Putin promised a new increase in pensions in Russia in first of February

Vladimir Putin promised a new increase in pensions in Russia in first of February

President Vladimir Putin assured pensioners that the pensions will raise. Payments for a new sample will get the Russians in February.
According to Vesti: Primorye, citing vistanews.ru, Vladimir Putin said that pensioners in Russia should be given maximum attention. The government should take maximum measures to ensure that citizens receiving insurance payments by age could have even more comfort in life on the territory of Russia.
Vladimir Putin promised to raise the pension in February this year. The relevant bodies and departments received an official order from the head of state to index the payments available to citizens. This suggests that as of February 1, pensioners will again get more money. With each month their living standards will improve due to financial stability. After all, there is inflation in the country today, and many do not have the cash in full in order to ensure decent living and treatment.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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