Who save homeless animals pets in Vladivostok

Who save homeless animals pets in Vladivostok

Local authorities and deputies of the State Duma paid attention to protection of animals from cruel treatment.

Firstly the animals are taken to the veterinary clinic, where they are treated and sterilized. Then they fall into an overexposure, where they live until find a new the family. Elena Nikolaeva is one of those who took care of homeless cats for 12 years. She says there are no bad or stupid cats, there are people who do not treat them correctly.

These days they are considering a law on the prevention of cruelty to animals. And while the government prepares official documents, public organizations continue their daily work to save homeless animals.

In Vladivostok there is a Fund for Animal Welfare, called "Friend", there anyone can help the hurt animals.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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