Protected Primorye

Protected Primorye

Lazovsky State Nature Reserve currently has three forest districts on its territory, which are equipped with the necessary material and technical base, a car park and a wide network of cordons. The staff of the scientific department are engaged in studying the dynamics of natural resources, as well as with research work on endangered species of animals. In addition, the reserve has a department for environmental education, as well as the Ecocenter and the Museum of Nature. In the village of Lazo there is a central manor of the reserved territory. In addition to the land on the mainland, the reserve includes two more and two islands - Beltsova and Petrova.
It is necessary to say that the reserve originally studied the unique in its composition lianas cedar broad-leaved forests. According to the variety of species that are listed in the Red Book, Lazovsky Nature Reserve is one of the first places among the nature protection territories of Russia.

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