"The New Economy of Primorye": Interview with Elena Yaskevich. Primorye Investment Agency support for the development of economic projects.

Primorye Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky formulated tasks to the he region in various fields of activity, now we need to achieve concrete results in the work of special economic regimes: the territories of advanced social and economic development, the free port of Vladivostok.

First of all, every investor, first of all from another country, should collect information, understand the process of registration.

Today foreign investors changed very much.

Now we give information not only about new economic projects, but also show to visitors sites and even organize meetings with already existing residents, who already working on the project.

Residents from China, Japan, Korea, India and a number other countries active participate in the work. There are also a number of materials about new economic projects in different languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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