The secrets of Primorye’s lighthouses

The secrets of Primorye’s lighthouses

The first Russia’s lighthouse was built in 1719 after Peter the Great’s order. But the real story of guiding lights in Russia started only in the 19th century with Alexander the First’s disposition regarding the lighthouses. Since then, 19 Russian lighthouses start their history. 

In the Primorye’s lighthouses history the «Tsar era» was a golden time. Nine magnificent lighthouses were built all over the region. The first lighthouse was and is still located near Vladivostok - Skryplev lighthouse, the oldest lighthouse of the western shores of the sea of Japan. 

In total Primorye has 28 lighthouses. 

During the Soviet era «lighthouse boom» happened in Primorye. During the 50s eleven lighthouses appeared on Primorye’s shores.  

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