Global reconstruction did not disrupt the treatment process in the children's hospital in the "Zmeinka" region

Global reconstruction did not disrupt the treatment process in the children's hospital in the

The building with a 30-year history, the building of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 2 in Vladivostok, in fact, is being rebuilt. Global reconstruction is ongoing without disrupting the healing process.

There are inconveniences, doctors say. But when you see the result - chambers shining with freshness, household rooms - you forget about difficulties. While in the children's clinic there are clearly not enough beds.

Inna Zelenkova, head doctor of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 2: “Unfortunately, they even lie in the corridors. And it is always predictable, winter-autumn, there is always a rise in viral infections and a rise in bronchopulmonary diseases. And this year, as well as last year, at the end of October we receive an increase in hospitalizations. ”

The nursing department is already in full order. In the fresh walls are the kids who have not yet remembered their mothers.

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