The system of rural obstetric points is being improved in Primorye

The system of rural obstetric points is being improved in Primorye

In Primorye the system of work of rural obstetric centers is also being improved.
The construction of new medical facilities in the countryside is realized as part of the state program for the development of public health in the region.
Medical assistant Galina Petrovskaya goes from the obstetric station to the ambulance.
Head of Fedosevka Medical and obstetric station Galina Petrovskaya from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm examines patient in the hospital. But now the doctor examines patients in their home, for both children and adults.
In this house there are two patients, the Mezentsevs. They have a regular medical check.
Lyudmila Nikolaevna has recently done stenting.
A rural medical assistant has a pulse oximeter.
Paramedic immediately receives the result of three directions at once. This is especially important during the monitoring of health in cardiovascular diseases, organs of the pulmonary system and, if necessary, resuscitation.
Paramedic Galina Petrovskaya serves three villages at once. And these are 717 adults and 97 children. The ambulance car is assigned to the rural medical assistant.
There are now good opportunities for young physicians to work in the village.
Also during practice they can get invaluable life and medical experience of experienced rural doctors and medical assistants.

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