Russian and Chinese national parks have agreed to exchange information on leopards

Russian and Chinese national parks have agreed to exchange information on leopards

The Land of the Leopard National Park (Primorsky Region) and the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park (China) signed a memorandum of understanding, which involves the development of a cooperation plan, including the exchange of information about Far Eastern leopards.

The signing of the memorandum is an important step in long-term and large-scale cooperation. They plan that the interaction will be carried out in all areas of work - the protection of the territory, science, environmental education and tourism.

In the near future, they intend to develop a detailed cooperation plan, including specific activities that will be jointly organized in the next few years.

Among the activities at the meeting of representatives of the two national parks were called joint exercises on anti-poaching activity, joint monitoring of the state of populations of wild animals, the Russian-Chinese exchange of schoolchildren and volunteers of national parks, as well as information exchange.

Also part of the memorandum was the paragraph on the joint desire to create a cross-border reserve "Land of big cats."

The Far Eastern leopard lives only in the east of Primorye and in the border regions of China.

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