New director of the "Land of the Leopard" report about the work to preserve the Far Eastern leopards

New director of the

New director of the "Land of the Leopard" report about the work to preserve the Far Eastern leopards

While the Far Eastern leopard continues to be considered endangered

However, for 6 years, its population increase almost three times.

Until recently, there were 30 of them left.

But experts struggled to preserve the habitual habitats of the predator.

For 6 years the number of spotty, wild cats has grown to 100 animals.

Currently, there are 86 adult cats and 21 kittens.

This is a large and significant increase in the population of the Far Eastern leopard.

The Far Eastern leopard is extremely cautious: carefully avoids meeting with other predators and humans.

But the life of the cat and other families in the national park is monitored by the largest network in the country - more than 400 photo traps.

The leopard is a very secretive animal.

While the population of wild cats is less than 150, the threat of their extinction still remains. However, the example of its saving has get the respect of the entire world community.

At the same time stop at "Land of Leopard" does not intend to stop and plan to create an international reserve for rare species of animals in cooperation with the Chinese companies.

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