Exhibition of local artist Yuri Surkov was opened in Arsenyev city

Exhibition of local artist Yuri Surkov was opened in Arsenyev city

Arsenyev artist Yuri Surkov writes one or two oil pictures a month. He has exhibitions once a year, and there are always a lot of visitors in it.

Especcially there are local landscapes inthe Yuri Surkov pictures. In recent years the Arseniev city has changed, there are new objects, new streets and squares.

Dmitry Kuzyuk, visitor of the exhibition: "Here he painted a fountain and a temple, the new building - a monument of the helicopter of the helicopter construction factory "Progress".

Guri (Fedorov) Arsenyev and Dalnegorsk Bishop: "I know that he painted icons and the temple of Archangel Michael. However, it was up to me even in the Soviet times. I want to thank him once again. "

Today Yuri Surkov is 75 years old. And he feels young. He says he is always optimist, so all the pictures is his light. He loved nature, is interested in portraits."

Yuri Surkov, artist, author of the exhibition: "I love more sunrises, sunsets. "

About thirty paintings were presented to the audience. Half of them are new. 


News source: ":" [ www.vestiprim.ru ]

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