"Primorye - 80, Our History": "The City of Spas, from the kings to our days ..."

Today we will talk with the resident of Spassk-Dalniy, the author and moderator of the local history resource "The City of Spas, from kings to our days ..." by Sergey Ivashchuk.

- Sergey, please tell us, how did you start your interest in local history?

-"My childhood was spent in the Spassky military garrison, I grew up among the old buildings that aroused my keen interest. In the city there was even a legend that these buildings were built by the Japanese. But when I became older, it became clear that no Japanese had built it. Gradually I began to accumulate information, read the books of famous historians and I formed a representation of the city as a single whole. Further, with the advent of the Internet, I had an idea to create an illustrated idea of the city. It took

Internet - a platform for communication, discussion, and our society of local lore was formed.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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