In Nakhodka there will be a museum-estate of settlers of the middle of the XX century

In Nakhodka there will be a museum-estate of settlers of the middle of the XX century

In Nakhodka a museum-estate of settlers from the middle of the 19th century will be built. The local public organization "Klio", which received support from the Foundation for Presidential Grants, is implementing the "Resettlement" project.

Now on the site of the historical park "Pogranichnaya Ploshchad" there is a reconstruction of the objects of the estate of the settlers of the 19th century. Here there will be a peasant hut with a workshop, a bathhouse, a poultry house and other household buildings. To collect additional exhibits, the organizers plan to go on an expedition to the villages and settlements of nearby areas. In this help the city authorities.

Vasily Anokhin, head of the public organization "Clio" in Nakhodka: "The administration is meeting halfway, to the best of their ability, of course. They help somewhere with materials, with houses, again territory, security, electricity. It's all a city, it's an urban area. We are doing this with the House of Children's Tourism. Information support. They always invite us to some events. "

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