Ivan Shtil became a 16-time European champion in canoeing and kayaking

Ivan Shtil became a 16-time European champion in canoeing and kayaking

In Belgrade (Serbia), the European Championships in rowing and kayaking completed. The competition was attended by 570 athletes from 40 countries who fought for 30 sets of awards. As part of the Russian national team, the competition was played by a rower, Olympic prize-winner Ivan Shtyl, who won two gold and one silver medals in three disciplines.

Golden for the seaside was a distance of 200 meters in canoe deuce. Ivan Shtyl along with his partner Alexander Kovalenko, also representing the Primorye Territory in parallel, outstripped the Belarusian and Polish oarsmen with a result of 35,919 seconds.

Another "gold" Ivan Shtyl won in a canoe-four at a distance of 500 meters. The Russian crew did not leave any chances to the rivals.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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