In Vladivostok held selection round all-Russian competition "Blue Bird"

In Vladivostok held selection round all-Russian competition

All-Russian competition "Blue Bird" selection round held in Vladivostok.

30 schoolchildren from all over Primorye came to participate in competition.

There are vocalists, young musicians, readers and artists of the original genre came to the "Ussuri" cinema.

The winner will go to Moscow and will participate in the all-Russian competition "Blue Bird".

"Blue Bird" competition has very great importance.

Children are preparing, they are teaching poetry. There are a lot of compositions of classical genre.

As a result of this selection, the jury will send recommendations to Moscow, who will make the final decision.

The results will be announced in a few months.

Filming of the all-Russian program "Blue Bird" will be held in this autumn.

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