Vladivostok officially confirmed to transfer the tank farm outside of the city

Vladivostok officially confirmed to transfer the tank farm outside of the city

On Thursday, March 15, during the meeting of the head of the oil and gas company Igor Sechin with the Primorye acting governor, Andrey Tarasenko, officially confirmed to transfer the tank farm from the First River district outside Vladivostok.

The head of the region, Andrey Tarasenko, noted that he agreed with the relocation of the tank farm outside of the Vladivostok, he thinks it is very important for the city and the region development.

At present, the regional authorities and the owner of the tank farm discuss where will be the new terminal.

The transfer of the tank farm outside Vladivostok is provided for by the new general plan of the city.

Instead of this is offered to make a public-business and recreational zone.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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