Dalnegorsk joined the territories where doctors will be given housing

Dalnegorsk joined the territories where doctors will be given housing

Dalnegorsk became the ninth city of Primorye, where doctors can receive official housing. The other day the local administration, together with the deputies of the city, adopted a normative legal act providing for the provision of a municipal housing stock to medical workers. Currently, one office apartment for a medical worker is being retrieved from the reserve of the city district. This is reported by "Vesti: Primorye" with reference to the press service of the Krai administration.
The Department of Health noted that so far in Primorye, such documents were adopted in 20 of the 34 districts of the province, including in eight urban districts and 12 municipal districts: Arsenyev, Artemovsky, Vladivostok, Dalnerechensky, Lesozavodsky, Nakhodkinsky, Spassky, Ussuriysk urban districts, as well as Anuchinsky, Kavalerovsky, Lazovsky, Oktyabrsky, Pozharsky, Pogranichny, Spassky, Terneisky, Khankai, Khorolsky, Chernigovsky, Chuguevsky districts.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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