On the ice of Novik Bay took place Winter School the practical training "Ice Mechanics"

On the ice of Novik Bay took place Winter School the practical training

On the ice of Novik Bay took place the Far Eastern Federal University Winter School the practical training "Ice Mechanics". This year a lot of participants came to Vladivostok - 54 students and a graduate student from Russia, China, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Canada.

On the ice of Novik Bay there are more than fifty students and post-graduate students.

FEFU Ice School students divided into teams to select 800 ice samples.

Vone Po, a student of the Harbin Technical University: "We must be a team. It is very difficult to work alone. The technique is very heavy, it is necessary to pile together in order to cut out the ice we need. "

They  tested ice density, toughness and salinity.

These students and graduate students are still more engineers who are learning to calculate the ice load on ships and structures.

Tatyana Uvarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Theory of Buildings and Structures: "It is very nessesery now. This is the northern sea route, and  these are quite demanded tasks".

And if China just about start exploring the Arctic, then Vladivostok Koreans are conducting more serious studies.

Son Yochong, Research Institute of Shipbuilding and the World Ocean (Republic of Korea), research associate : "We are making fundamental research on the effects of ice. South Korea has its own scientific mission in the Arctic and Antarctic. Our country is the only one among the Asian states that has its own research icebreaker. "

Russia is still the main world Arctic and Antarctic country. The accumulated knowledge and experience of our scientists are so huge and they are know to share with potential competitors.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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