The memory of the heroes of the Siege of Leningrad was honoured in Primorye

The memory of the heroes of the Siege of Leningrad was honoured in Primorye

On Wednesday, January 27th, the governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemiako participated in an event related to the 77th anniversary of the ending of the Siege if Leningrad during the World War II. Nowadays, several dozens of siege’s survivors live in Primorye.

"Today is filled with both sadness and pride for those who have survived that difficult time. With the fall of Leningrad, the situation would probably have been very different for Moscow, perhaps there would have been other changes in the course of the World War II. But exactly holding that front, the heroism of defenders of Leningrad allowed the country to withstand the heaviest burden, break the siege and win," - said Oleg Kozhemiako.


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