«Vostok 24» channel celebrates its second anniversary

«Vostok 24» channel celebrates its second anniversary

«Vostok 24» channel celebrates its second anniversary today. This important project of RTR «Vladivostok» united 11 departments of the Far Eastern region. 

«Our News» is a program that unites the news from all over Far East. This is the first project of this kind in Russia.

Besides the usual news, every hour the channel has regional news, interviews, documentaries and special reportages. 

Even if the television is said to be «dying», ratings show the opposite. Since the channel’s launch online and the creation of the app, the audience has simnifically grown. Besides the locals, the channel is also being watched in Leningradskaya oblast and Krasnodarsky region. 

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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