“Rossiya 1” becomes the most popular TV channel of Primorye and Russia for the 4th time in a row

“Rossiya 1” becomes the most popular TV channel of Primorye and Russia for the 4th time in a row

Analytics company “Mediascope” came up with rating of the most popular federal TV channels of 2019.
Rossiya 1 stays the leader of 2019, it has 11,9% of Russian viewers, Pervy kanal has 11,8% of viewers and NTV has 9,3%.
For the fourth year in a row, Rossiya 1 becomes the leading Russian TV channel.
Besides daily news on Rossiya 1, “Vesti:Primorye” also air on Rossiya 24 and Vostok 24.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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