Cathedral of Jesus the Saviour from Shenyang may be transferred to Vladivostok

Cathedral of Jesus the Saviour from Shenyang may be transferred to Vladivostok

Victor Shalay, the head of the historical museum of the Far East, dreams of saving the abandoned cathedral of Jesus the Saviour in Shenyang, China. The historian proposes to move the heritage to Vladivostok. 

This cathedral is one of the monuments of the Russian heritage in China. Besides the cathedral, there used to be a Russian military cemetery as well with over 60 thousand dead during the Russian-Japanese war. 

The cathedral was built 110 years ago. Now, it is located in the center of Shenyang. The monuments was included on the list of historical monuments of the city, but during the Chinese cultural revolution, all of the crosses of the cathedral were demolished and the cemetery was destroyed. 

If the authorities of the two countries will be able to agree upon the transfer of the monument, the cathedral will be placed on one of the Russky island’s hills. 

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