«Primorye - the territory of friendship»: How Udege’s land united traditions of different nations of Primorye

«Primorye - the territory of friendship»: How Udege’s land united traditions of different nations of Primorye

The day of friendship of peoples of Primorye was celebrated on Avvakumovka river coasts. Many nationalities participated in the celebration: Udeges, Taz. This holiday was held for the nationalities that carry a unique culture. 

Kazaks and shamans presented their skills during the holiday. Raisa Andreitseva, a shaman, cooked a traditional dish called tudi dzi. 

Valentin Andreitsev, the head of the Indigenous small-numbered people of Primorye region organisation: “ We understand that no matter what we call each other: Udeges, Taz, Ukrainians, we all live in one country and we share the same culture!”.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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