Putin: there are a lot of people interested in the «whale prison» in Primorye

Putin: there are a lot of people interested in the «whale prison» in Primorye

During the «Direct line» president Vladimir Putin mentioned that the problem with orcas being held in captivity in Sredniaya bay in Primorye is related to the animal’s high price. Also, Putin said that the solution for this problem has already been found. 

Meanwhile, vice-prime minister Aleksei Gordeev said that fishing orcas and white whales out for cultural purposes will be prohibited. He mentioned that the government decided to change the laws related to fishing for cultural purposes. According to Gordeev, the fishing in a small amount will be allowed for scientific purposes and for the indigenous people of the north of the region, because fishing stays a tradition for them. 

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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