Pacific Fleet’s anti-submarine ships attacked a submarine of a conventional rival in the Sea of Japan

Pacific Fleet’s anti-submarine ships attacked a submarine of a conventional rival in the Sea of Japan

Five Pacific Fleet’s anti-submarine ships and the naval aviation have conducted a mock attack of a rival’s submarine. 

A big anti-submarine ship «Admiral Panteleev» was used during the exercices as well as some searching groups that were formed of ships like «Ust-Ilimsk», «Sovietskaya Gavan» and «Metel». The group worked on searching, spying and destroying submarines. 

A big diesel submarine «Ust-Bolsheretsk» was on the «rival’s» side during the exercise. It had to manoeuvre in the exercise area and deviate from the attacks. 

The ships were searching for submarines with the support of some anti-ship planes, such as Il-38 and Tu-142. When the coordinates were found, four anti-submarine ships attacked a submarine with reactive bombs.

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