Kickboxers from Primorye won five medals at the World Championship

Kickboxers from Primorye won five medals at the World Championship

September 23 in the Italian city of Jesolo ended the World Cup kickboxing. The national team of the kickboxing federation of the Primorye Territory took part in the competitions. Once again Primorye confirmed the title of the strongest fighters.

Despite the strongest competition, the pupils of the Primorye Kickboxing Federation won five medals of different denominations, two of them gold, two silver and one bronze.

It is noteworthy that the two highest awards are on the account of girls. The winners of the world championship were Anna Polutskaya from Novopokrovka in the "full contact" discipline (coach Alexei Bainyakshin) and Polina Chuiko from Vladivostok in the "full contact with low kick" discipline (coach Yuri Borodii).

The silver medalists of the world championship were the Ussuriisk athlete Maria Bashkina in the discipline "K-1" (coach Vladimir Kofanov) and her Daniil fellow countryman Surmenko in the discipline of "full contact with low kick" (coach Andrey Podoplelov).

Bronze award was awarded to Alexei Barinov from Vladivostok in the discipline of "full contact with low kick" (coach Yuri Borodii).

With the achievement of athletes and coaches, the President of the Kickboxing Federation of Primorsky Krai Victor Tararin congratulated.

"Five seaside athletes on the world stage showed a high level of their training - it is worthy of respect! We are proud of you ", - stressed the head of the federation.

Note that the athletes of the Kickboxing Federation of Primorsky Krai consistently show high results at Russian and international competitions. One of the most famous of its pupils - Ussuriess Alexander Zakharov - already twice won the title of world champion. From him take the example of growing seaside kickboxers.

Recall, the development of mass physical culture and sports - one of the instructions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Support for this direction vrio Governor Primorsky Territory Andrew Tarasenko believes one of the priorities.

The head of the region said he was ready to help develop the sport, including with the help of title sponsors to support sports clubs and federations.

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