Vladivostok is in the top 3 richest cities in Russia

Vladivostok is in the top 3 richest cities in Russia

The richest cities in Russia are Vladivostok (index 0,08), Moscow (0,08) and Yekaterinburg (0,14), Vesti: Primorye informs with reference to the site "News: Economics".
The University of Sociology under the Government of the Russian Federation conducted a survey in 35 cities of the country with a population of at least 500 thousand people, asking respondents to assess their wealth on a five-point scale. The rating was made on the basis of a survey of citizens who were offered to assess their welfare on a five-point scale, where 1 means inability to pay even food, and 5 - the ability to purchase everything necessary, including real estate, without resorting to credit.

According to this study, Togliatti (poverty index - 0,8), Astrakhan (index - 0,68) and Penza (index - 0,6) are recognized as the poorest cities.

"News: Primorye" offers its visitors to cross-check the data of scientists of the University of Sociology under the government of the Russian Federation.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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