Primorye’s cuisine made it to the list of the best cuisines of Russia

Primorye’s cuisine made it to the list of the best cuisines of Russia

Russian accommodation booking site conducted a survey and revealed where the tastiest national and regional food is in Russia. Primorsky Krai shared the fourth place in the ranking with two other regions. 

According to the survey, the national cuisine of the Crimea and the North Caucasus lead in the ranking of the most popular among travelers. 

Also in the top ten regions with the most delicious national food were included Tatarstan (15%), Bashkiria (7.5%), Krasnodarsky krai (7.5%), Primorsky krai (7.5%), Murmansk region (5%), Kalmykia (5%), Karelia (2.5%) and the Altai region (2.5%).

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