A certificate for a preferential stay will be raffled off among vaccinated FEFU students

A certificate for a preferential stay will be raffled off among vaccinated FEFU students

Starting October 25, FEFU students and staff will be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 on the campus on Russky Island.

Vaccinated students will be exempted from classes and will have a chance to win a certificate for preferential accommodation in the dormitory, says vl.ru.

Alexandra Krasota, a doctor-epidemiologist of the FEFU Medical Center, said that students and employees of the university are offered Sputnik V for primary vaccination and Sputnik Lite for secondary vaccination.

Vaccinations will be given in Building A without an appointment. 

In the fight for collective immunity vaccinated students are promised a five-day exemption from physical education and two days exemption from classes, as well as a raffle of 100 certificates for living in the dormitory and visiting the gym and swimming pool at a 50% discount.

As a reminder, vaccinated FEFU employees get an extra paid day of vacation.


News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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