The program "Neighbors of our planet": Larga

The program

Larga is a motley seal or spotted seal. Vladivostok people see these animals every year at the end of winter, especially in early spring. Length of adults is 220 cm, weight is 80-100 kilograms, in autumn up to 150 kg. The color varies from silvery-gray to dark-gray. There are dark spots various shapes scattered throughout the body.

Larga seals live in the northern Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Japan and the Russian Far Eastern coast. All year round they can be found in the Japan Sea. Larghi come to the shores of Primorye to multiply. They have a maternity hospital here. Larghi kids are called Belka, because their skin is white and so they can masquerade as ice. The larghas are very clumsy on land, but they are very dexterous and graceful in the water. They can dive to a depth of 300 meters and very long time can be under water.

The larghas have large, dark and very expressive eyes. They have a special structure, thus the vision of larghas is very good not only on land but also on great depths. The larghas eat mainly fish, for catch it they can get over hundreds of kilometers. These seals prefer to eat seafood delicacies: shrimps, crabs, octopuses, various shellfish.

There are no enemies for larghas near to the coasts of Primorye. They live in the Far Eastern marine reserve here and give birth to babies. There is no main enemy of the larghas – the  polar bears, who live in the north. Hunters also do not chase their skins. Therefore, in the Primorye  region larghas live in safety and very happy.

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