The number of ticks’ victims grows in Primorye

The number of ticks’ victims grows in Primorye

During the self isolation regime in Primorye more than 2 732 people visited hospitals with tick bites.

The most dangerous places where ticks were spotted are Vladivostok, Ussuriisk, Nakhodka, Artiem, Arseniev, Dalnegorsk, Nadezhdensky, Pozharsky, Kavalerovsky, Kirovsky, Chernigovsky, Chuguevsky, Terneysky and Lazovsky districts. 

The first tick bite of the year was registered on March 20th, eight more cases were registered during the two following weeks. In the beginning of April the self isolation regime prohibited visiting forests because of COVID-19, but the amount of cases has only been growing ever since. 

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