Primorye citizens break the quarantine rules. Will there be a punishment?

Primorye citizens break the quarantine rules. Will there be a punishment?

It has been proposed recently, that people who will be outside in public places during the week-off will be deprived of their salary. 

Citizens of Vladivostok were amazed at seeing so many people outside breaking quarantine rules. 

Vestiprim interviewed some of the people chilling on the beach. Some of them say that the virus is not that scary, others mention that they will be self-isolating starting from tomorrow. 

Not everybody realises the dangers the epidemic can bring. The authorities and medical workers repeat that the week off is not a vacation but a preventive measure that should be taken seriously. 

Meanwhile the quarantine can be felt in the center of Vladivostok. All of the cafes, bars and restaurants are closed. They change their working hours for deliveries and take aways. 

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