Sharks tried to take away underwater hunters’ prey in Vladivostok

Sharks tried to take away underwater hunters’ prey in Vladivostok

An underwater hunting championship was held in Vladivostok. Fishermen from Vladivostok, Artiem and Nakhodka participated in hunting. They spent 9 hours in the sea. Moreover, hunting conditions were not the best this time, and it is not only related to the weather. 

Hunting zone border - the whole Amur bay. The furthest destination became Stenina island in Khasansky district. They dove dozens meters down and saw their main competitor - a shark. 

Participants say that the shark can not harm people, but can try to take the prey away. 

Sharks are a forbidden prey, like humpbacks and  Siberian salmons. The main criteria for winning is the weight of the prey. 

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