Seized by the customs of ginseng roots planted in the national park in Primorye

Seized by the customs of ginseng roots planted in the national park in Primorye

For the first time, a mass landing of red book ginseng was held in the National Park "Land of the Leopard": a new home in the wild found more than 700 "roots of life." A unique event became possible after the seizure of rare plants by customs. The cost of smuggling on the black market is more than 16 million rubles, reports "Vesti: Primorye" with reference to environmentalists.

A large batch of ginseng mined by poachers was seized by officers of the Far Eastern Operational Customs in the Border District of the Primorsky Territory. Here, a smuggler was detained near the border with China, trying to take roots out of Russia. The most valuable plants were transferred to Rosprirodnadzor, whose experts concluded: ginseng can still be saved. To return the roots to the wild, the most appropriate place was chosen - the Land of the Leopard national park in the south-west of the region.

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