"Information Primorye": MFC "My Documents" celebrate the first anniversary

5 years ago, the creation of the MFC became the starting point in the interaction of government bodies, extra-budgetary funds (first of all, the pension fund) and residents of the Zernogradsk district at a qualitatively new level. Today we can say with confidence that the creation of the center was worth all the efforts and costs: this is a great social value that our society can no longer refuse. After all, about half a thousand of our countrymen pass through universal specialists of the MFC every day, and each with their own problems and questions.

Our residents have already managed to appreciate how fast and convenient it is to receive certain public services. People save time, do not run on dozens of different organizations, do not stand in long lines, do not spend their nerves. This significantly reduces social tensions and increases the importance of the center. In the past 11 months alone, about 200,000 services have been rendered here, and this figure is only growing.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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