Cakes and pastries of Primorye are the best in Russia

Cakes and pastries of Primorye are the best in Russia

For many years « Vladhleb » has been considered a quality leader. This year the company won the « Product of the Year » award. 

The « Product of the Year » national award ceremony was held in Moscow, where the most famous Russian and international companies were gathered.

Members of the competent jury gave the highest assessment to the confectionery production of Primorye’s largest seaside enterprise - the company « Vladhleb ». It was recognized as the best in Russia in the category « Cakes and pastries ».

This is not the first high mark in the piggy bank of the company's achievements. The company regularly wins prestigious awards on a regional and national scale. Last year the national award « Product of the Year » was given to 40 types of bread and the right to place the symbol of the best product in the country - the « Gold Star » on the package.

Now cakes and desserts, loved by the locals, have received the « Golden Star ».

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