17 484 people have recovered from coronavirus in Russia

17 484 people have recovered from coronavirus in Russia

According to stopcoronavirus.ru website 12 953 coronavirus cases have been confirmed all over the country since yesterday. In total Russia has 4 151 984 cases.

Since the beginning of the pandemic 82 876 people have passed away from the disease in Russia. Since yesterday 480 COVID-19 positive patients have passed away from coronavirus. 

Since yesterday 17 484 people have recovered from the disease and since the beginning of the pandemic 3 697 433 people have recovered from the disease in the country. 

Since yesterday 112 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Primorye. In total the region has 39 586 coronavirus cases. 33 146 people have recovered from the disease since the beginning of the pandemic. 

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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