«Obelisks - the memory of Primorye’s heart»: obelisk’s of Khasan lake

«Obelisks - the memory of Primorye’s heart»: obelisk’s of Khasan lake

Many years after the war unknown graves are still being found in the district. The reliable information about the amount of deceased solders is still to be discovered by the professionals. 

«If two years ago I was 99% sure that I know everything here, now I’m 50% sure that I don’t many things around here. We found another burial place and discovered that 20 people have been buried there during the war». 

82 years after the war, with all modern information, it is possible to say that 759 solders of the Red Army died in fights and 100 other people died in tents and in hospitals. 95 people are still to be found and recognised in Khasan’s soil. 

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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