Genetics start a unique pilot project for a comprehensive survey of pregnant women

Genetics start a unique pilot project for a comprehensive survey of pregnant women

In order to prevent infant and maternal mortality rates from disrupting the development of the vascular system, in Primorye now it is 30%, genetics start a unique pilot project for a comprehensive survey of pregnant women.

Preeclampsia - vascular lesion. The diagnosis that the expectant mother can hear in the second half of pregnancy, when it would seem that all the threats are in the past. Up to 8% of expectant mothers faced with this disappointing doctor words of in the first trimester. Now Primorye genetics have learned in the early stages to assess the risk of developing the disease.

Most of the history questions for women are traditional, but there are new ones. For example, biochemical studies using fluorescent immunoassay. Special automated equipment will help evaluate the results.

A new thing in the ultrasound study for this pathology will be the so-called pulsation index of the right and left uterine arteries. The result of this survey is the most important information for specialists.

Advanced analysis can predict up to 75% of cases of early diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, about 45% - at term. In these cases, this condition will be prevented, which will save the future mother and her baby. Tentatively, six thousand pregnant women will be included in this project.

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