Show the advantages and tell about the attractiveness of the Primorsky Region in three days. From 19 to 22 May the Second Pacific tourism forum will be held in Vladivostok. It will be held on the waterfront of the Far Eastern Federal University. Participants of the program are the partners from China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and representatives from the Far East.

Questions of the cross-border cooperation, presentation of new tourist routes are sone of the main aspects. Now Primorsky Region can make a notable competition to the "Golden Ring", Moscow and St. Petersburg. This project should be interesting for travelers. And the geography not just include the Primorsky Region, it also put Yakutia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Sakhalin, Irkutsk region.

DARIA?GUSEVA, Director of the tourist information center of Primorye: "Our presentation is planned the 20th of May  regions. They will present the products and their potential. But the present is not fragmented, and under the common brand "Eastern Ring of Russia".

Great attention is paid to the transport logistics. Railway, cruise and air travel should work without failures and be available for tourists with different levels of income in Russia and abroad. The passenger flow and technical features of terminal will become a special subject for discussion in the forum.

OLGA?GUREVICH, executive director of the Seaside Regional Union of Travel Industry: "We will talk about the strategy of transport development, we will appreciate facilities and opportunities of development the Vladivostok airport and airports of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Khabarovsk. We will discuss necessary conditions for the development of air communication. "

Fairs, festivals, various master classes. Guests will see a large-scale program: from the young designers fashion show to the culinary professional chefs show. The main purpose of the forum is to expand partnerships between the regional capital and the other concerned parties, not only in the official, but also entertaining format.

KONSTANTIN SHESTAKOV, director of the tourism department of the Administration Primorsky Region, "Primorsky Region today has enough tourist resources, and it is indisputable. We can talk about the beach tourism and educational tourism, first of all is tourism, entertainment, culture.

Pacific tourism forum is going to be a great platform for the expansion of the perspectives and strengthening the cooperation between Primorye, Far Eastern and international partners.

新闻来源: ":" [ www.vestiprim.ru ]
