In February 2016 the productivity of land has increased twice

In February 2016 the productivity of land has increased twice
In primorsky region SURAZHEVKA village has big greenhouses. The third year they to try new ways of cucumber cultivation. The result is satisfactory.
And this new method is hydroponics.

TATIANA VASILIEVA is agriculturist of the far east federal union company. She once said "Hydroponics is water instead of the land, and injection of special minerals".

Greenhouse lab according to the plant daily necessary set up the nutritious solution composition.
Farmers harvest crops every two days.
Automatic trailer is a kind of technology and equipment. With automatic trailer can be on the high places.
KAIDISH, ANNA is in the far east federal union leader of the company. She had to adapt to the side of the work.
Also have Japanese young trees in the greenhouse. SURAZHEVKA agronomist don't know what name to give the young trees.
In addition to the cucumber side also cultivate the green vegetables and tomatoes.
Bees pollination 2 tomatoes, respectively: TORNADO and STARBAK. These two kinds of tomato are very tasty.

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