Lesozavodsk Ukrainians organize the festival "Svyatankov dews"

Lesozavodsk Ukrainians organize the festival

In Lesozavodsk organized the festival of Ukrainian culture "Svyatankov dew".

It will be held this Sunday, and now the collectives organize dress rehearsals, the participants of creative studios making jewelry and equipment, and the sewing combine prepare the national Ukrainian costumes.

"Svyatankov dew" is translated as "morning dew."

The guys from the children's club "Patriot of the Fatherland" make gifts themselves.

Victoria Boyko is one of the oldest participants of the club, she is 18.

The girl get interested to Ukrainian culture when she was a child.

And during this time she likes the culture of this country very much.

Victoria Boyko, participant of the Patriot of Fatherland Club: “In the beginning it was one country. And most of the people who live in the Far East, they came here from Ukraine. This is our history, these are our parents, grandmothers, our traditions. They can not be forgotten. "

There a few small children become the students of Center for Children's Creativity Quite.

Small assistants making the traditional Ukrainian maiden decoration - flower wreath - inventory for the artists of the festival.

Ulyana Beletskaya, participant of the Center for Children's Creativity: "Is this for some special occasion? "Well, when you have to be beautiful!"

The last rehearsals before the Sunday festival take place on the street and already gathers curious spectators. They say, is a good sign. This means that Primorye citizens are interested to the Ukrainian culture, and old traditions and rituals will continue to be passed on from generation to generation.

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
