In Vladivostok, the regional basketball championship in wheelchairs was launched.

In Vladivostok, the regional basketball championship in wheelchairs was launched.

In the capital of Primorye, the regional basketball championship in wheelchairs was launched. Participation in the tournament takes five teams, which included athletes with musculoskeletal injuries from Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Lesozavodsk and Artem. The basketball battles were watched by our film crew.

The rules of the game in basketball in wheelchairs are almost the same as in the usual - on the court of five players, the match lasts four desyatiminutki. The main difference is that women can play in the men's team. Of course, there are features in the running of the ball and free throws for tough collisions. But most importantly, it is the excitement of the game and the struggle.

Mikhail Taropatov, participant in the competition (Vladivostok): "Any competition is an experience, firstly, the spirit is maintained, constantly team and competitive, well, everything else comes from this, the muscles do not atrophy, so the team rallies."

