In Primorye, the largest in Russia, a network of photomonitoring of rare animals

In Primorye, the largest in Russia, a network of photomonitoring of rare animals

On the territory of the national park "Land of the Leopard" there were about 20 new points for the photo account of rare animals. Now for the life of spotted cats in the south-west of Primorye watch about 400 automatic cameras at 200 stations. This is the largest network of photomonitoring in Russia today, Vesti: Primorye reports with reference to FGBU "Land of the Leopard".

"The bulk of the new photo-traps was installed behind the line of engineering facilities near the border with China," says Alexey Titov, an engineer-researcher at the FGBU "Land of the Leopard" science department. - It periodically records cats that live in the territory of the two countries, and some of them could not yet get into the base of the national park. Verification of data from new points will be carried out in a few months. "

Recall, large-scale photomonitoring is conducted in the territory of the FGBU "Land of the Leopard" from 2013. The area covered by the network of photomonitoring is 360 thousand hectares - it is almost one and a half times larger than the area of Moscow.

