A one and a half year-old tigress regularly walks along the waterfront of Vladivostok

A one and a half year-old tigress regularly walks along the waterfront of Vladivostok

The Amur tiger is seen in Vladivostok. Predator appears regularly in the center of the city, mainly on the waterfront. Half a year old female tiger is walking on a leash with her owners - employees of one of the zoo. Our correspondent was trying to find out why such a promenade is arranged and what do experts think about it?

Tiger is symbol of Vladivostok. For a walk along the Golden Horn Bay Alexa tiger comes on with his owner. He is veterinarian.

The young tigress is the star of the local zoo. Once a week he comes to walk along the sea. 

If the citizens really ask, then Victor can allow them to walk with a tiger.

Ekaterina Nyukhova, a resident of Vladivostok: "Unpredictable sensations, you do not walk around the city with a tiger in everyday life. They can only be seen in the zoo. On the waterfront the walk with the tiger - it is not predictable. "

Similar walks with other Amur tigers is not a new one. There were similar cases were, for example, in the shopping center of Khabarovsk and on the beach in Nakhodka. The video of these incidents got into the Internet and became the subject of discussions. This is the best advertising for guests.

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
