In Primorye will be opened a shop for the cultivation of scallop and oysters whitebait

In Primorye will be opened a shop for the cultivation of scallop and oysters whitebait

In Vladivostok started scientific-practical conference "Science of the sea in the interests of Russia."

Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, heads of fishing enterprises, government officials met in the campus on Russian island.

First day of the forum they were speaking about the complex of scientific research which are necessary for the development of the fishery in the Far East. What are the "pitfalls" prevent the development of aquaculture?

Experts said, they have an aquaculture development program there, but in n Primorye aquaculture develop not so good. This direction is a young, thw seaside gradually growing over marine gardens.

As a rule aquafermers usually cultivate underwater garden beds,. Why in the region with rich marine areas are so low indicators of aquaculture activity, scientists and government officials finally, decided to join forces to solve this problem.

It is possible to grow sea cucumbers, scallops, oysters in the waters of the Far East, but not every site is suitable for aquaculture. The right of using coastal areas are sold at auction. Investors can pay tens of millions of rubles to take it. Also it takes about one year to registrate of documents.

Somewhere is sandy bottom, and somewhere is pitfalls. Marivodas often complain about the lack of information about the auction sites. Also they are interested where to take the mollusks and echinoderms to grow seafood delicacies.

Far Eastern scientists can not answer all questions about the development of aquaculture in Primorye, But they have recommendations and developments that are already working in Primorye.

