Students from Primorye region won the international MathWorks competition

Students from Primorye region won the international MathWorks competition

Graduates of the Engineering School of the Far Eastern Federal University taught an industrial robot to manage a mathematical pendulum and recognize human commands. The software, created in the MATLAB / Simulink design environment, brought the students a victory in the Simulink Student Challenge-2017 international competition. The team of FEFU was the first in the world to win two consecutive competitions from the company-developer MathWorks. In total, 25 teams from all over the world took part in the competition. This is reported by "Vesti: Primorye" with reference to the press service of the FEFU.

The group of undergraduates of the Department of Industrial Production Technologies of the FEFU worked on the project: Ilya Baranchugov, Arseniy Kaganovich, Yevgeny Mirgorodsky, Yuri Nikolaev, Denis Plotnikov, Kirill Podberezin, Oleg Snegirev, Yevgeny Shkurin. The supervisor of studies is the assistant professor of the FEFU Engineering School Boris Notkin.

According to the jury - MathWorks developers - Russian students showed the highest creativity and level of ownership of system modeling tools. The Masters of FEFU taught a serial industrial robot to see the commands of the human operator and to feel the forces arising at the point of suspension of the pendulum placed on the manipulator. In the development, students used the principles of predictive control, analytics of artificial neural networks, computer vision technologies, computational capabilities of MATLAB / Simulink.

